i like a lot of things
I love water because it means Life. Algae lives in it, we can't
live without it, it is an ecosystem for a lot of creatures, it
is on other planets... the elixir of life! Can you imagine if it
never found its way into existence? If it hadn't, neither would
we. Thanks water.
I only eat plants. Maybe that's ironic, but I'm sure they don't
mind. I love how it's usually not so hard to grow them, I like
how they have an unassumingly very calculated way of growing...
like, they make it look so simple but it's really a very complex
life that they lead. I like how some of them taste delicious
while others can kill. I think it's neat how much they have
evolved... just like animals. We're not so different, and
honestly their society seems a lot more organized.
I started skateboarding in grade 4, but never really learned any
tricks until about 2020, after graduating university. some
people love skateboarding for the thrill of being able to make
magic happen with a glorified piece of wood on wheels, but as
someone who doesn't have all that much control over my board a
lot of the time, the social aspects have been the most rewarding
for me. I have made so many friends and had so many cherished
life experiences through skateboarding... I also appreciate how
it's one of the only physical activities I've ever been able to
commit to. It helps me spend entire days outside. I love it.
I wont try to define Taoism but I will say that it is something
I can always turn to for peace. Whenever external things are
messing with me, it is always there to turn to, and every time I
ask it for help, it reflects peace of mind onto me. I like how
it tells me to be like water. I don't so much like that a lot of
books call it some kind of "master" — the way I view Taoism is
kind of in an anarchist light, so any kind of "master" just
feels ironic. To me, Taoism means that there is a oneness to
existence. Everyone can be the "master". Maybe that's what it
means... can you channel this "master" essence of oneness with
life and all beings? I like it. Sometimes I feel like I can.
I have made so many friends over the internet... I think a lot
of people today think of "the internet" as just massive social
media platforms... I think that distinction in our language is
crucial... the internet is a tool for communication, and it is
open for anyone to use! I think it's easy to forget how much
agency we can truly have on the internet... but so often we are
caught in its current and swept away by its rip tides before we
can realize what's availble to us on the shore. Email me if you
want: tianadueck[at]pm.me
collaborative projects
The best part about being human is that there are others.
Although there is a lot of evil in the world, some that I may
never comprehend, I have been fortunate in my life to know
beautiful people. Everything I hold close to my heart was
emparted onto me from another person. Whether it was directly
from a friend, an author of a book or article, a person I've
exchanged emails with, a teacher, etc... I don't know how much I
would've learned if it was all simply up to me. I'd certainly be
much less magnificent. I don't mind taking the lead in
collaborative projects because every time I do, I learn
something new about being human, a friend, an artist, etc.
I love design because it forces you to imagine a better world and
to make it happen to the best of your abilities... I suppose a logo
wont change the world, even a website. But it's a start... There are
certainly some design projects that feel more fulfilling than others,
then again, a good designer may find the fulfilling details of any gig.
I think design is art. I think anyone who crafts something through
critical thinking and thoughtful crafting is a designer. I love drawing with
my friends... maybe drawing isn't design but then again maybe it is.
I think design is a very broad topic with a lot of varying serious and unserious
beliefs behind it. I think the dramatics are kind of fun and silly, but also
worth a real ponder. When I was little, I was planning to be an inventor. I've
found that part of myself as an adult within design, in many of its forms.
Making films and watching them are two very different experiences... I think I
usually watch a film nowadays to learn about making them. I like the social experiences
of making a film with new and familiar people. A lot of the time in indie filmmaking,
you get yourself into uncomforable situaitons. It's exciting to experience those pretty
vulnerable moments with actors and other filmmakers. I have discovered over the years
that I adore making mockumentaries. I love when a viewer has to ask, "is this real?"
I like interactive things... like how you had to click to read this... people don't click enough these days!
So thank you for clicking around here. A part of why I like having a lot of Clicking going on throughout my websites
is because it makes the user an explorer... you can choose what to click and take a chance on what you might find...
although I might share some vulnerable details on this webpage, who will actually take the time to click and read? You!
Cool. Anyways, I also love interactive art installations and projects... it's a part of why I love publishing community magazines
and hosting sunday sites... I like experiences that are what the participants make them into. It also takes a load off of me individually lol.
I want to have an interactive art installation some day... I will make it happen, just wait!
Writing has been the most effective way for me to articulate my thoughts... I am not as great of a speaker, unless I write down what I will say first.
I like writing because it's an accessible way to share information... and when you write digitally, it's simple to transform it into audio for those with poor vision.
I love exchanging thoughts... when I share my writing, it feels like giving back to everything I've been reading.
The world is vast. There is so much to discover! Although a lot
of the time, I am simply resting... I do spend a good chunk of
time learning! One way I stay on top of learning and such is
through my newsletter, and sunday sites... Whenever I approach
these things, I am motivated to try something new. To learn
about something new and intriguing for my own sake, as well as
to share with others who might take interest. It makes my world
feel whole. Learning puts your brain into a flow state! It
brings focus... it makes my brain feel like it's using its brief
time here on earth with purpose.
i desire a few things
I like feeling like I'm a part of a community, and I like being
a friend that someone can turn to for help or just a fun
I am grateful to be someone who has a healthy body and mind...
for the most part. Health is a fleeting thing... you never know
what could happen. Whenever I'm driving, I wonder if anything
might happen... or when I'm flying or sailing. Who knows! Might
as well enjoy whatever you've got though. If you're alive, you
can find a way to enjoy it... although it might not always be
easy. Having fun is always my mission, but I appreciate that the
journey there has trials. Those challenges add texture to
I have been in love before and I am always hoping to be in love
again. I am more picky than I once was and I know what I want,
to be honest. I'm looking forward to the next time it finds
me... I have been cherishing the process.
The most painful thing to me is hearing from someone I love that
they don't feel like I understand them. It's a pain that strikes
me back into the reality that everyones realities are different,
a product of their own personal thoughts. In my reality, I may
have thought that we had a deep mutual understanding... but
perhaps we actually don't. Now, I try to just check in and be
more vocal about these sorts of things with loved ones, so that
we can truly have mutual understanding! Other times, I don't
mind the grey area of not knowing... not knowing is an
unavoidable part of life that is often quite peaceful.
I am a woman! Something I cherish about womanhood is our
inherent devine feminine energy that we can channel at will...
It takes a bit of effort, but each woman (and really any person)
knows how to wield their divine femergy with some focused
practice. Personally, I find my elegance in fashion. I am still
on the hunt for the perfect elegant cape... the perfect dress...
the perfect shoes... it's an endless process that I will never
tire of. There is always some way to elevate your elegance. I
cherish the sensuality in elegance! Oh, womanhood! I love it.
Most things can be fun... to me, fun is a non-dualistic word.
When I think of fun I think of oneness with all things.
The wholeness of being... The essense of all things being
together in one force at all times... feels very fun. Life is
pleasure, no matter what... dualism is an ideology that isn't
always necessary. Of course, the injustices in the world should
be faced with due accoutability, I recognize this and I will do
what I can to combat it. But in my day to day, I desire Fun. In
some special cases, you can battle these injustices with Fun!
Wat leuk...