Welcome to Algae Cottage

with tiana dueck (as shared at naive yearly)
I like the web, it has shaped me as a person in many ways. I also like algae. My username is often algae or water silk online. — Here, I'm reflecting on two of my favourite things: the indie-web and algae, with the umbrella of social practices to ponder via 9 chapters, inspired by the timeline of plant evolution: cyanophyta, volvox, stoneworts, liverworts, cooksonia, ferns, ginkgos, magnolias, and rice.
A couple billion years ago, the great oxidation event occurred. Thanks to cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, there was a great extinction of the Earth's existing life, along with the unfolding of a new pathway for evolution. Even today, we have algae to thank for regulating the oxygen we breathe, and assisting with maintaining a human-sufficient atmosphere. There's actually a lot of ways to use the algae, and there's a massive abundance of it to harvest due to climate change. From livestock feed to bioplastics which would improve our greenhouse gas emissions immensely, yet we seem a bit slow to the chase... algae remains a bit of an unsung hero. I've been pondering how algae has changed the world with evolution, and how the indie web has changed mine similarly.
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image sources
{Cottage - animated gif, Lenabem-Anna J. license} {water gif, Floris Kloet license} Prochlorococcus marinus (public domain) {Volvox aureus, Matthew Herron license} {Nitella mucronata, Kristian Peters license} {Liverwort, Katja Schulz license} {Cooksonia pertoni revised, Peter Coxhead license} {Athyrium filix-femina0, mpf license 1 license 2} {Lotus-effect on a ginko leaf, Polymerix license} {Magnolia sieboldii flower 1, William (Ned) Friedman license} images cited may be cropped.